Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Mayday - the third

Nurse: The hypochondriac in room 69 is dead.

Doc: Ah, now he's exaggerating.

- - -

Am I exaggerating? Who knows?


Wish I were well. I am not, though.

May those who sent me e-mails and did not yet receive an answer, forgive my laziness.

Be sure, my thoughts are with you much more often than I let you know.

And, please, be sure, too, I am tired of (mentioning) my self-inflicted weakness.

Therefore, I have decided from today onwards to 'have' one post a day.
Photos, mostly.
Not many words I suppose.
Neither I may 'feel like' answering comments - if there are some.
See?! Words don't come easy to me these ... months.

So good, the more, to see / imagine your lenient smiles.

Thank you.
And: The peace of the night.