Monday, November 28, 2011

Cover Story 0004 - Ch.18_a

What we talk about when we talk about love
Dreams of dreams
Confusion of the feelings

First love, [last rites]
Days of joy

Erogenous zone
Nights of love and laughter
Kama Sutra
The orgy - an idyll

Little misunderstanding of no importance

Don Juan's temptation
The Siren
An occasion of sin

Now it rains slaps in the face
I want to know why
A touch of chill
Well, as you can easily see here, I decided to change the title. August 13th, 2010 this happened. Could not explain why, but I felt not comfortable with the idea, and thus cover story 0004 after 18 chapters* got covered with a dust layer.

Perhaps it will again, and you will not come to know the end of the story. That is why I think I should give you at least a glimpse of what you might miss:

* actually 17, as yours truly scatterbrain had jumped from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 :)