Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

C(h)ara mo chroidhe

About 18 months ago a niece,
going to move from here to there

asked if we knew someone ...
Ha! Superficial girl.
And now to something completely different:
I like cats;
especially when they do not live with me.
Which is why I said:
Alright, we shall give your cat a home.
Ah, how scrubby and shabby the little creature was.
She did not know what freedom means.
Meanwhile she does.
And therefore only sometimes comes
to eat and take a rest.
Her early name was Snowflake
I call her
C(h)ara [mo chroidhe] / [Friend [of my heart].
I do still think people
accepting animals in their homes
are stupid.
The peace of the night.