Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Summer in Seanhenge II

Due to my laziness I don't do it often, but just for a change I felt fancy
to offer more than but one photo from Summer in Seanhenge.
Balcony view.

Fern, polygonatum, poppy.

It looks chaotic but after may turnips
we shall enjoy to harvest
tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, peppers,
cauliflower, onions,cucumbers, courgettes,
beans, different salads etc., plus lots of herbs.

Always a fine view when looking up,
whilst reading, writing or just enjoying a mug of coffee.

My rowan, a birthday present many moons ago.

Roses and elder.

Sometimes it's nice to enjoy shadow.


Merrygold, horseradish and phacelia.

Ah yes, that looks pretty chaotic. But I still smile when thinking of the words that have been hanging in front of me for many years: "Chaos on your desk? Then you're a happy man."

Sunday, October 15, 2023


Courgettes, mangold, peppers.
And as there are still lots of tomatoes,
today we produced another ten jars each
of spice ketchup and curry ketchup.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Just a daily phenomenon

The last potatoes digged up, the field rakened and green manure sowed, one morello tree shortened by about two metres, peppermint and sage picked and dried;
... that happened end of August. Ah! And the magic of all those flowers ...

Meanwhile almost four weeks have flown by; since, there has happened quite a lot on this planet quite a few
of which you might even have come to "know" as it has been covered in (y)our media.
One daily news you will neither have read in your daily newspaper nor heard elsewhere, though, as being published / told day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade that yesterday approximately 30 / 40,000 children have been dying of starvation would be bloody depressing ... well, at least damn boring, would you agree?

Life is difficult enough to thoroughly enjoy, isn't it? If only I think of that the other day a bit too much sea-salt in the tomato soup spoilt my dinner.

Who in our civilised world would be able to care about how many women have been raped in Congo or elsewhere, while I was kept busy with picking plums, for hours? I mean, it's not my or your business. I can't change anything, can I? And neither can you, hm?

Not that I would not feel pity, whenever I come to think of it for some seconds now and then; but that's life, isn't it?

One is getting raped, a second tortured, a third murdered, while I am busy with watching butterflies and (bumble-)bees enjoying their kind of milk and honey that is flowing in Seanhenge, and while you perhaps are struggling with what outfit to choose for tomorrow's dinner party.

Ah, I should not have started this. Did I write 30,000 children per day?
That means, 750,000 children within 25 days, doesn't it? Phew!

Coming to think of it: Isn't it wonderful, magic
well-nigh, that despite of this marginal phenomenon not worth to daily make its way into the news, there are living more than eight billion human beings on this wonderful planet, thus about four times more than when I was born, about 20 years more than half a century ago?

Thinking positive - and aren't we told to always think positive?! - we are blessed that day by day 30- / 40,000 children are dying of starvation, aren't we?

Ah, no! Really! See? Such easily a post's content is being manipulated by thoughts about marginal daily phenomenons that are not worth mentioning.

Let alone, that I can be absolutely sure that those who are reading this are able to distinguish cynism from sarcasm, it's a great relief to know that most of those poor? nameless? anyway: unnamed creatures - and I am not talking about those 40,000 children who day by day are leaving this planet
to enjoy life in this or that paradise, depending of the god their still somehow surviving parents are made to believe in - are analphabets.

In this sense.
A most joyous week to those
able to read.
May your god bless you,
and if it (read: your god) were the head of a dead sardine.

the peace of the night ...

in which - provided you are sleeping eight hours - approximately some more than 10,000 children are dying of starvation.

Saturday, September 16, 2023


The last potato cellared for this year,
my heart rose up like a falcon to the sky:
Two bees and a bumble-bee 
enjoying a sunflower feast.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Laughing Lhursday*

Once again I feel relieved
that Fortune favours fools,
or as a German saying goes,
"Die dümmsten Bauern
ernten die größten Kartoffeln."
"The dumbest farmers
harvest the biggest potatoes".

Sometimes a saying
can be a great comfort.

* [For first time visitors]: Typo in the title? Nah. It's just that
I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Brave new peace of mind

Not even daisies stand a chance here.
An advertisement reads:
Lawn Robot gives you freedom
and peace-of-mind,
with smart home technology.
Well, if our neighbours
find peace-of-mind in such a sight ...

I do prefer daisies.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The invisible beneath the visible

Borage, dahlias and
marigold, marigold, marigold.
Who would guess
that a year's worth of potatoes grow here,
along with various types
of onions, tomatoes, peppers,
plus kohlrabi, carrots, etc.?

Saturday, September 03, 2022


No rain.
Plums fall by the thousands from the trees.
What saddens us delights the bees.

Monday, August 01, 2022

August beginning

Once again I feel relieved
that Fortune favours fools,
or as a German saying goes,
"Die dümmsten Bauern
ernten die größten Kartoffeln."
"The dumbest farmers
harvest the biggest potatoes".

Sometimes a saying
can be a great comfort.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Laughing Lhursday*

Fortune favours fools,
or as a German saying goes,
"Die dümmsten Bauern
ernten die dicksten Kartoffeln"
(The dumbest farmers
harvest the biggest potatoes).

Once again
the old saying
offered me great comfort.

And here to put my genius
into the right perspective.

* [For first time visitors]: Typo in the title? Nah. It's just that
I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Getting autumnal

Everything harvested
but the kale and lots of physalis.

Flowers start withering,

and trees changing their colours.


Thursday, September 03, 2020

Laughing Lhursday*

Fortune favours fools,
or as a German saying goes,
"The dumbest farmers
harvest the biggest potatoes".

Sometimes a saying
can be a great comfort.

* [For first time visitors]: Typo in the title? Nah. It's just that
I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


First spuds.
The amount promises a good harvest.
Tasting they were excellent, anyway.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Quite an idyll

Bees and birds have their share,
we have ours:
beans and beetroots,
carrots and kohlrabi,
cucumbers and courgettes
leek and onions,
several sorts of tomatoes,
peppers and potatoes,
apples and plums,
hazel- and walnuts,
not to forget all the herbs.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My Walden

No fungicides,
no herbicides,
no pesticides.
Lots of earthworms, though,
of bugs and birds and bumble bees.
Lots of flowers and herbs,
lots of beans, carrots, onions, tomatoes, zucchini etc.,
lots of white, red and black currant,
of rasp- and blackberries etc.
and potatoes for another year.
Oh, and not to forget:
Healthy bee colonies
mean healthy honey.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Some more Tomatoes

and four different sorts more

we let grow at five places.

Sicilian Lady

Growing in Seanhenge.
Marinda from Sicily.
Last year I took seeds.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Curious Dig

Their name: Annabelle. :).
Bit bigger in September.
The first potatoes.