Showing posts with label Miriam Makeba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miriam Makeba. Show all posts

Friday, November 08, 2013

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nightly problems

Pondering about this and that, about an hour ago when watching the stars, out of the blue I heard myself softly whistling a melody. On and on. Must have once been a catchy song. Who sung it?
Five minutes ago I remembered.
So, having at least one problem solved, I may put my head on the pillow.
The peace of the night.

Merci, Miriam Makeba

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Merci, Miriam Makeba

I look at a stream and I see myself: a native South African, flowing irresistibly over hard obstacles until they become smooth and, one day, disappear - flowing from an origin that has been forgotten toward an end that will never be.
Miriam Makeba [March 4th, 1932 - November 10th, 2008]
Better than any of my words, the following videos (thanks to those who offer to share them) will let you understand, perhaps even feel why I would feel deep respect for this woman, since I happened to hear her voice for the first time.

UN [1963]

Soweto Blues [1966]

Khawuleza [1966]

Pata Pata