Sunday, January 19, 2025

Beers & Books (413) – Han Kang: Greek lessons

Greek Lessons
La classe de grec

Han Kang *27 November 1970


  1. Yet another I do not know. Thank you for continuing my education.

  2. M'ha agradat la frase de "s'ha inscrit al curs de grec per a recuperar la parla amb una llengua morta". ;-)
    Hi ha crítiques de tots colors.
    Aferradetes, Sean.

  3. No sabria dir per què, però els premis Nobels no em motiven gaire. Tot i això em sembla uqe li donaré una oportunitat a aquesta lliçó de grec, amb temàtica psicològica.

    Moltes gràcies, Sean! Abraçades.

    1. I feel the same way. And yes, although I read quite a few, apart from Liao Yiwu, so far no Asian author has ever fascinated me. Very certainly not their fault. ;-)
      Perhaps, Lectura facil will be more to your taste. ;-)
      Abraçades, Carme!

  4. There are just too many excellent books and my time so limited. I do hope for a good library in heaven.

    1. Not only that, Mimi. There won't be any literary “junk” in the heavenly library either. And: you and I will be able to read every masterpiece in its Original. ;-)

  5. Hi Sean and Mimi - books in heaven, where we can read all we want and without "junk" reading ... I'll have to pay more attention to your recommendations - later, much later I suspect - cheers Hilary
