Thursday, December 28, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Bookworm's Delight

This was the beginning, ...
... and thus it ended:
My family knows to silence me. :)

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas,
Peace on Earth
and Goodwill to all People.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Saturday Night Music

Martha Argerich *5 June 1941

Robert Schumann (8 June 1810 – 29 July 1856)

Franz Liszt (22 October 1811 – 31 July 1886)

Maurice Ravel (7 March 1875 – 28 December 1937)

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Der Leiermann

Thomas Quasthoff (*9 November 1959)

Drüben hinterm Dorfe
Steht ein Leiermann,
Und mit starren Fingern
Dreht er, was er kann.

Barfuß auf dem Eise
Wankt er hin und her;

Und sein kleiner Teller
Bleibt ihm immer leer.

Keiner mag ihn hören,
Keiner sieht ihn an;

Und die Hunde knurren
Um den alten Mann.

Und er läßt es gehen
Alles, wie es will,

Dreht, und seine Leier
Steht ihm nimmer still.

Wunderlicher Alter,
Soll ich mit dir geh'n?
Willst zu meinen Liedern
Deine Leier dreh'n?

by Wilhelm Müller (7 October 1794 – 30 September 1827) 
Franz Schubert (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828)


Daniel Barenboim *15 November 1942

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Sunday, November 05, 2017


If man does not
eliminate war from history
it will be war
that eliminates man
from history.

Gino Strada

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday is Skyday

It was a fine place
to speak about refugees.
And to talk with some.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday is Skyday

Friday the 13th
completing a sun orbit.
What a fine omen.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

Niall Tóibín (born 21 November 1929)

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Monday, October 09, 2017

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Saturday Night Music with Eliane Rodrigues

Eliane Rodrigues *7 October 1959

Happy Birthday, Milady. :)

Saturday Night Music with Glenn Gould

Glenn Gould (25 September 1932 – 4 October 1982)

Leonard Bernstein (August 25, 1918 – October 14, 1990)

Johann Sebastian Bach

Anniversary of an Assassination

Surely the President of the Russian Federation enjoys a most happy day with all his dear friends, and everyone will have done his best to make the flawless democrat happy.
I wonder which one was the most special present today.

Eleven years ago, October 7th, 2006 some admirers intended to surprise (?) their beloved President with a very very special present - and let assassinate Anna Politkovskaya.

Well, and here's a List of murdered Russian journalists.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

Flann O'Brien (5 October 1911 – 1 April 1966)

Eamon Morrissey

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

101, Flann, eh? :)

Flann O'Brien (5 October 1911 – 1 April 1966)

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Peace Price for Erdoĝan

With twelve days delay:
September 22nd, Aslı Erdoĝan in Osnabrück received the Erich Maria Remarque Friedenspreis (= PeacePrice).
And this months a book with some of her very latest essays got published in German:
Nicht einmal das Schweigen gehört uns noch.

It won't come as a surprise that in Turkey these essays 'do not exist'.
It seems in English they have not (yet) been published, but in French:
Le silence même n'est plus à toi (Lettres turques.

Finally, here the English wikipedia entry about Erich Maria Remarque.
And here the English wikipedia entry about his most famous book: Im Westen nicht Neues / All Quiet on the Western Front.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Sunday, October 01, 2017

On the Road ... whereto?

Fascism raises its right arm.
Franco would be very pleased

 with his successors' ruth- and shamelessness.

Oh, and by the way:

If I were a Catalan,
I had voted 'No'.
Nationalism is Fascism's little brother.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Word verification

Sorry. Word verification enabled, for a change.
Hopefully not for long.
Don't like it, but less I like getting 60 spams within a few minutes.

Friday is Skyday

. . .

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

Eliane Rodrigues
There does not exist an English entry

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Tale of Wealth and Misery

Das Märchen von Reichtum und Not
Es war einmal Bruder und Schwester:
Der Reichtum und die Not.
Er schwelgte in tausend Genüssen,
sie hatte kaum trocken Brot.

Die Schwester diente beim Bruder
viel hundert Jahre lang;
ihn rührt' es nicht, wenn sie weinte,
noch wenn sie ihr Leiden besang.

Er fluchte und trat sie mit Füßen,
er schlug ihr ins sanfte Gesicht;
sie fiel auf die Erde und flehte:
Hilfst du, o Gott! mir nicht?

Wie wird das Lied wohl enden?
Das ist ein traurig Lied!
Ich will's nicht weiter hören,
wenn nichts für die Schwester geschieht!

Das ist das Ende vom Liede
vom Reichtum und von der Not:
An einem schönen Morgen
schlug sie ihren Bruder tot.

Adolf Glassbrenner (March 27, 1810 – September 25, 1876)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Laughing Lhursday* Still posted!

Hm, this got scheduled weeks ago. Obviously, certain people did not like Carlin to be seen talking about the Bushs and Cheneys and war, three days after 9/11. :)

Update 2017/12/25: The web does not forget:

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Monday, September 04, 2017

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Signs of Autumn

Four ...

Six ...

Nine ...

More and more migrants
are gathering day by day.
Their aim: Africa.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Young Oak

The oak tree of Seanhenge.

On the Road

... while waiting for a railway crossing.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Road to Peace

"Road To Peace"

Young Abdel Mahdi (Shahmay) was only 18 years old,
He was the youngest of nine children, never spent a night away from home.
And his mother held his photograph, opening the New York Times
To see the killing has intensified along the road to peace

There was a tall, thin boy with a whispy moustache disguised as an orthodox Jew
On a crowded bus in Jerusalem, some had survived World War Two
And the thunderous explosion blew out windows 200 yards away
With more retribution and seventeen dead along the road to peace

Now at King George Ave and Jaffa Road passengers boarded bus 14a
In the aisle next to the driver Abdel Mahdi (Shahmay)
And the last thing that he said on earth is "God is great and God is good"
And he blew them all to kingdom come upon the road to peace

Now in response to this another kiss of death was visited upon
Yasser Taha, Israel says is an Hamas senior militant
And Israel sent four choppers in, flames engulfed, tears wide open
And it killed his wife and his three year old child leaving only blackened skeletons

It's found his toddlers bottle and a pair of small shoes and they waved them in front of the cameras
But Israel says they did not know that his wife and child were in the car
There are roadblocks everywhere and only suffering on TV
Neither side will ever give up their smallest right along the road to peace

Israel launched its latest campaign against Hamas on Tuesday
Two days later Hamas shot back and killed five Israeli soldiers
So thousands dead and wounded on both sides most of them middle eastern civilians
They fill the children full of hate to fight an old man's war and die upon the road to peace

"And this is our land we will fight with all our force" say the Palastinians and the Jews
Each side will cut off the hand of anyone who tries to stop the resistance
If the right eye offends thee then you must pluck it out
And Mahmoud Abbas said Sharon had been lost out along the road to peace

Once Kissinger said "we have no friends, America only has interests"
Now our president wants to be seen as a hero and he's hungry for re-election
But Bush is reluctant to risk his future in the fear of his political failures
So he plays chess at his desk and poses for the press 10,000 miles from the road to peace

In the video that they found at the home of Abdel Mahdi (Shahmay)
He held a Kalashnikov rifle and he spoke with a voice like a boy
He was an excellent student, he studied so hard, it was as if he had a future
He told his mother that he had a test that day out along the road to peace

The fundamentalist killing on both sides is standing in the path of peace
But tell me why are we arming the Israeli army with guns and tanks and bullets?
And if God is great and God is good why can't he change the hearts of men?
Well maybe God himself is lost and needs help
Maybe God himself he needs all of our help
Maybe God himself is lost and needs help
He's out upon the road to peace

Well maybe God himself is lost and needs help
Maybe God himself he needs all of our help
And he's lost upon the road to peace
And he's lost upon the road to peace
Out upon the road to peace. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ole Bull

Ole Bull (5. Februar 1810 in Bergen; † 17. August 1880)

Laughing Lhursday*

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My Walden

No fungicides,
no herbicides,
no pesticides.
Lots of earthworms, though,
of bugs and birds and bumble bees.
Lots of flowers and herbs,
lots of beans, carrots, onions, tomatoes, zucchini etc.,
lots of white, red and black currant,
of rasp- and blackberries etc.
and potatoes for another year.
Oh, and not to forget:
Healthy bee colonies
mean healthy honey.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Poor Children

Toys in abundance.
What did they teach two children?
I want more more more! ...?

Monday, August 14, 2017

On the Road

A misty morning.
No supremacists around.
Weather knows no race.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Laughing Lhursday*

George Carlin

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017