Showing posts with label nationalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nationalism. Show all posts

Sunday, October 01, 2017

On the Road ... whereto?

Fascism raises its right arm.
Franco would be very pleased

 with his successors' ruth- and shamelessness.

Oh, and by the way:

If I were a Catalan,
I had voted 'No'.
Nationalism is Fascism's little brother.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Measles of Mankind

Nationalism is an infantile disease.
It is the measles of mankind.
Albert Einstein
The World As I See It, 1935

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All these mysterious Nessies

Scientific way to better present 'Turkishness'.

An interesting headline, isn't it?!

Why do people tend to do the second step before the first?

Why trying to find a "scientific" (sic) way to better present (sic) 'Turkishness'?

What is Turkishness?

Or Argentinianness, Chineseness, Germanness, Hungarianness ... Finnish...ness?

Questions I asked my closest friend Tetrapilotomos, who is one of the politest human primates under the sun and therefore should rarely answer a question by a counterquestion.

The more I got surprised hearing him murmur:

"Turkish Ness ... Turkish Ness ... Has it something to do with Lough Ness?"