Sunday, December 15, 2024

Edna O'Brien

I wish Dame Edna could enjoy celebrating her 94th today. Perhaps she would tell us that her new book will be about an insane and megalomaniacal criminal who - you could laugh if it didn't make you want to vomit - has been elected President of the allegedly united States of America.


Without intending to belittle other writers, for me Edna O'Brien, together with John McGahern, is the greatest Irish author of the past decades. Both had in common their books were banned in Ireland.
Above's interview from 1976 is on her trilogy "The Country Girls".


 The interview above's taken in 2012.

And this one after release of ‘The Little Red Chairs’ (2015)


Edna O'Brien (15 December 1930 – 27 July 2024)


  1. El meu nivell d'anglès no em permet entendre-ho tot, malauradament. Així que em quedo amb les teves paraules d'admiració, amb la seva biografia i la seva obra.
    Hugs, Sean.

    1. Would it be of help for you, if you activated the subtitles so you could read the captions? Would, of course, be nicer, if you could read it in Català.
      Aferradetes, Paula.

    2. Gràcies!
      En tenir un moment m'hi posaré.

  2. My 'puter's sound system is broken so I cannot listen to her interviews. Sigh.
    And yes, she was indeed a great writer and her work lives on.

    1. Ah, but what about watching and listening on your smartphone? It's worth it, Sue.

  3. És hora de començar a llegir Edna O'Brien, buscaré a veure per on puc començar.

    Abraçades, Sean!

    1. Ah, Carme, per on començar? ;-)
      Com que les seves meravelloses narracions, malauradament no s'han (encara) traduïdes al castellà ni al català, us recomano començar per la seva 'obra mestra' (Philip Roth) publicada en castellà l'any 2016: Las sillitas rojas, Errata naturae, 2016 ISBN 978-84-16544-08 -0.


    2. Sí que he trobat la trilogia de " The Country Girls " traduida al castellà i també en francès, puc triar 😀. I les "Petites chaises rouges", també en francès que sí que puc llegir perfectament.

      Moltes gràcies i abraçades!

    3. Ha, lovely! I hope you will enjoy.
      As you speak French, I do highly recommend her youngest novel: "Girl".
      For the research, in her mid-80s she travelled twice to Nigeria. A legacy.
      Traduit de l’anglais par Aude de Saint-Loup et Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat, Sabine Wespieser éditeur, Paris, 2019, 256 p., (ISBN 978-2-8480-5330-1)10

      Abraçades, Carme!
