Friday, January 17, 2025

Relats conjunts: The secret message

François Boucher, 1767, Le courrier secret

My beauty, your hair, your beautiful face, your tempting breasts drive me crazy. I lust after you. After you have read these lines, reach behind you, take my hat, hurry to me and let us both go on an expedition to Venus. Your Wolfi.

Goethe in der Campagna.


  1. 😀😉 Jo també espero que ho hagi fet. És una proposició temptadora... Venus... 😂

  2. Potser no era l'home dels seus somnis ! hehehehe
    Ben trobat !. Salut ;)

  3. Tot i estar sola, la sang li va pujar a les galtes.
    Massa testosterona pel seu cor. 🤭
    Genial el relat!
    Hugs, Sean.
