Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Beers & Books (416) – Parlavà Suite and others

Suite de Parlavà
seguit de
Algú que espera
Llibre de les solituds

Miquel Martí i Pol  (19 March 1929 – 11 November 2003)

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Beers & Books (410) Parlavà Suite & others

Suite de Parlavà (1991)
Algú que espera (1990)
Llibre de les solituds (1997)
Miquel Martí i Pol  (19 March 1929 – 11 November 2003)*

 * It looks as if non of Martí i Pol's work has yet been translated into English.

Monday, December 30, 2024

„Sieh da! Sieh da, Timotheus, Die Kraniche des Ibykus!“

This morning at nine
hundreds of cranes passed Seanhenge.
Winter's coming. Late.

Nine years ago this happened
but still is unforgotten.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

To my sister

 Forough Farrokhzad (29.12.1934 - 13.02.1967)

Sister, rise up after your freedom,
why are you quiet?
rise up because henceforth
you have to imbibe the blood of tyrannical men.

Seek your rights, Sister,
from those who keep you weak,
from those whose myriad tricks and schemes
keep you seated in a corner of the house.

How long will you be the object of pleasure
In the harem of men's lust?
how long will you bow your proud head at his feet
like a benighted servant?

How long for the sake of a morsel of bread,
will you keep becoming an aged haji's temporary wife,
seeing second and third rival wives.
oppression and cruelty, my sister, for how long?

This angry moan of yours
must surly become a clamorous scream.
you must tear apart this heavy bond
so that your life might be free.

Rise up and uproot the roots of oppression.
give comfort to your bleeding heart.
for the sake of your freedom, strive
to change the law, rise up.

Forough Farrokhzad (29.12.1934 - 13.02.1967)

Monday, December 23, 2024

Splendid Eyesolation

Diving deep
into the ocean of thoughts.
Scars of life.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Beat the drum, Heinrich!*

I have never seen an ass
who talked like a human being,
but I have met many human beings
who talked like asses.

Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856)

* Heine's Doctrine

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Beers & Books (396) – Goethe 275

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832)

When I try to imagine the time of the original creation of those 20,000 pages of my thin-print complete edition, I suddenly think of some Flemish painters. Should be possible that Privy Councillor Goethe, who today would celebrate his 275th birthday, had some industrious penmen write for him? ;-)
The following may seem casual, but seriously:
The man spends 25 years of his life as political advisor, minister, theater director, “rides” in times of small statehood for one and a half years by horse-drawn stage coach to and through “Bella Italia”, and – not to forget the one or other amorous adventure that also takes up this and that hour – finds time by candlelight with quill and inkwell to write such an enormous oeuvre?
Happy birthday, Wolfi! ;-)

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Two things are certain

Two things are certain:
Humanity will vanish.
Nature will prevail.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Beers & Books (375) – Birth & Death(lessness)

It's once again the (International) Day of the Book.
Well, and once again I do not care, but just repeat:
For me 365 days in any year are days of books,
and 366 in leap-years.

Anyway, on 
Shakespeare's 460th birthday
the 408th anniversary of either his dead
and the death of
just to wish a very special literary evening.

May my voice not put you off the realm poetry. ;-)

Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday, January 26, 2024

Take this Waltz

Leonard Cohen (21 September 1934 – 7 November 2016)
Federico García Lorca (5 Juni 1898 – 19 August 1936)

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Nectarious Night

And I'll dance with you in Vienna
I'll be wearing a river's disguise
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder,
My mouth on the dew of your thighs . . .

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Heine's Doctrine


Beat the drum and don't be afraid,
And kiss the sutler!
That is the whole science,
That is the deepest meaning of books.

Drum the people out of their sleep,
Drum Reveille with the vigour of youth,
Always march ahead drumming,
That is the whole of science.

That is Hegel's philosophy,
That is the deepest meaning of books!
I have grasped it because I am clever,
And because I am a good drummer. 

Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856)

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Adios for a while

Surrounded by books
writing is nothing but joy.
And nights getting long.