Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Beers & Books (396) – Goethe 275

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832)

When I try to imagine the time of the original creation of those 20,000 pages of my thin-print complete edition, I suddenly think of some Flemish painters. Should be possible that Privy Councillor Goethe, who today would celebrate his 275th birthday, had some industrious penmen write for him? ;-)
The following may seem casual, but seriously:
The man spends 25 years of his life as political advisor, minister, theater director, “rides” in times of small statehood for one and a half years by horse-drawn stage coach to and through “Bella Italia”, and – not to forget the one or other amorous adventure that also takes up this and that hour – finds time by candlelight with quill and inkwell to write such an enormous oeuvre?
Happy birthday, Wolfi! ;-)


  1. I suppose it is possible - and painters certainly set a precedent. I wonder and will probably wonder all day...

    1. Well, less distraction: no phone, let alone smartphone, internet and television - it may have been easier to focus one's thoughts and write them down.
      It is fascinating, anyway.
      And who am I to insinuate anything about our jubilarian.

  2. Amazing man. I don't know that much about him but you've whetted my appetite. Schubert set a lot of his poems to music (lieder)

    1. Lessing, Schiller and Heine were always closer to me. But, yes, it's a huge oeuvre that the Privy Councillor left behind.

  3. Bé, és cert que no tenien tantes distraccions com nosaltres, però imagino que també tindria correspondència amb amics, amants, família... i suposo que ho feia a mà. També pot ser que dormís poc o gens, que tampoc seria l'únic. ;-)
    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Fins i tot podría dir que no teníem tantes distraccions com ara i tampoc fa tants anys... Quan era joveneta llegia moltíssim, viatjava sovint i no escrivia tant... més aviat ho gaudia. ;-)
      Petonets, Sean.

  4. He may also have been a very fast writer.

    1. I am sure like almost all serious man of letters, quality was more important to him than any writing speed.

  5. Potser les hores, els dies, els anys d'abans eren diferents dels d'ara... he, he, he... devien estar més concentrats i aprofitar-los millor. Almenys algunes ments privilegiades que feien obres excepcionals.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. When reading many biographies, I am always amazed at the knowledge that was acquired at a very young age.
      Whereas when I look at myself ... ;-)
      Abraçades, Carme.
