Saturday, August 10, 2024

Coffeetime with young García Márquez

The "Giraffe aus Barranquilla"
comprises 82 journalistic works by García Márquez
written between 1948 and 1952.
"La Girafa" was the title of a column
that the then 22-year-old regularly wrote
for the Colombian daily newspaper "El Heraldo".
Many of the short glosses and literary sketches,
in which he processed everyday experiences,
paved the way for his later work.

Gabriel García Márquez (6 March 1927 – 17 April 2014)


  1. És interesant saber com és el començament d'un escriptor, sobretot vist des d'una columna escrita a un diari, durant casi una década.

    Això que hi ha al costat de la tassa és un pastís?...

    1. Yes, very interesting and entertaining.
      Re your question: It is a product from the long-established French biscuiterie "St Michel", which is advertised on the packaging in ... in? ... yes: in English: Sponge cake filled with smooth chocolate. ;-)


  2. Working (successfully) on his craft from a young age.

  3. Em sembla intressant conèixer aquests principis en la professió d'un escriptor com Garcia Márquez.

    1. It's interesting, indeed, to compare them – the young and the old writer.
      Aferradetes, Carme.
