Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A fitting end to life

Your forehead is like a lily, slender you stand as if under a web of gold! I have loved you a long time, and with all my strength. O Blessed Mary! How shall I be delivered?

I have no sight of you, fearing your people and their vengeance, only my despair is left me and bitter sighing in my desire of you. If in my madness I am destroyed by the bright jewel of your beauty, then you are guilty of my death -
O sacred powers save her from this murder!
But I shall be laid in a grave in the shade of the soft leaves and the fresh trees, tomorrow the young birch-trees will hold my funeral under the branches of the ash. I shall have a shroud around me, a gay garment of summer clover, and the coffin fit for me to seek God's grace shall be all of young leaves. The flowers of the wood shall be my winding-sheet, my bier eight branches, a thousand sea-gulls will come to carry my bier. A host of fine trees, laymen I tell you of pleasant temper, will escort me, and they will be my church, forming a summer cloister with their high places. The two statues will be for worship, namely the two nightingales that you chose: and by the wheat fields there shall be raised altars on the dappled ground.
And a choir shall sing that does not know Jealousy, that does not angrily shut the door; and brothers that do not know the brotherhood of age, shall speak the Latin tongue in true metre from books of leaves and fine-bound grammars of the trees. And from the hayfield a splendid organ shall sound, and the music of bells ringing.

And there in the pleasant country of Gwynedd my grave is ready for me, a fresh green place ...Llan Eos, grove of inspiration, a fitting end to life. And the cuckoo shall sing a chant for my soul, sounding like an organ in the green wood; and prayers and supplications and psalms and other voices shall arise for me, and sacrifices and sweet messages, and in the summer months Love will visit me in my grave. And may God keep tryst with his poet in Paradise.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

... or not

Vain endevour

It's nothing to discuss;
It's nothing to fight for;
there is no need to explain -
there are always two.

If there's just one,
all words are vain.

It's nothing to discuss;
It's nothing to fight for;
there is no need to explain -

if there is just one,
love is vain.

Masken - Masks

Gibt es ihn noch
so wie er einst war?
Ich denke, doch -
nur nimmt er es nicht wahr.

Er will es einfach nicht.
Um keinen Preis der Welt
zeigt er sein Gesicht -
er hat sich selbst enstellt.

hrj, 1972

- - -

Does he still exist
as once he was?
I think, yes -
but he does not sense it.

He just doesn't want to.
Not for love nor money
he'd show his face -
he has disfaced himself.

sj, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Strawberry Finn

Berry sitting on a stone,
pondering his otherness
comes to following decision:
I am here, I have a mission.
Dreaming of enormous fame,
Strawless Berry will set out,
find the origin of his name.

But - alas - Seanhenge is mazy,
and soon Berry is quite sure:
"Golly gosh, I am so crazy!"

Next moment, it's getting hazy,
Berry's heart is beating wild.
And the reason? A sweet Daisy.

Desillusion, fading power:
Sad and lonely on his quest
Berry's taking a next rest
on a soft and friendly flower.

Continuing his quest
to find the mystic Straw
Berry takes another rest.

And here magic stri

Sitting lazy in the tyre,
enjoying warmth of distant fire:

ss Berry and his Daisy.

And the moral of the story:
nothing can cut love in twain.
'cause thus spake Daisy:
"Names are in vain,
otherness is no sin,
my sweet ... Strawberry Finn."

humbly dedicated to the Topaz of Poetry
by Mc Seanagall

Natural Arts II

Thursday, June 25, 2009

China's Charter 08

To cut it short:
Here's China's Charter 08.

And for those who want to compare
the English version with the original - voilà.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What about Bagram, Mr Obama?

Allegations of abuse and neglect at a US detention facility in Afghanistan have been uncovered by the BBC.
A number of former detainees have alleged they were beaten, deprived of sleep and threatened with dogs at the Bagram military base.
The BBC spoke to 27 ex-inmates around the country over two months. Just two said they had been treated well.
The Pentagon has denied the charges and insisted that all inmates in the facility are treated humanely.
All the men were asked the same questions and they were all interviewed in isolation.

Full article and video here.

It seems patently correct to say that the current Ex-President to-be of The U.S.A. is not as debicile as his predecessor, but as evil as his predecessor's masters - as long as he does not immediately change what he promised when he was a would-be presidential candidate.

The peace of the night!

The Bastards of "Freedom City"

One of China's most prominent political activists has been formally arrested for inciting subversion.
Liu Xiaobo is accused of spreading rumours and defaming the government, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.
Mr Liu's arrest comes six months after he was taken into custody.
He was detained just before the publication of a document that he co-authored calling for political change in China.
Full article here.

And here a tiny example why this rotten bunch of mighty criminal and corrupt cowards, the Bastards of Beijing* (this time without asterisk!), fear and suppress people like this man whose courage I do admire since 1989.
Free speech for Mr. Liu.

More information inclusive a longer France 24-interview with Liu Xiaobo is offered by Reporters without Borders.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What about Order 81, Mr. Obama?

US President Barack Obama has strongly condemned the "unjust actions" of Iran in clamping down on election protests.
He said he respected Iran's sovereignty and it was "patently false" of Iran to say the West was fomenting the unrest.
Full article here.

Well spoken, Mr. Obama.

By the way, what about the sovereignty of farmers? F. e. in Iraq?!

I did not hear, yet, that Order 81 was declared null and void.

In case he did not - despite claiming "Yes, I can!" - moreover, does not at all intend to, Mr. Obama will surely agree it were patently correct to say that the current Ex-President of the U.S.A. to-be except of being a bit more eloquent than his debicile predecessor is also nothing but a puppet for those who are said to have written the specific details of Order 81 on plants for the US Government - the Masters of Monsanto Corporation.

- - -

The link above gives you the complete text (pdf) of Order 81.

Here's a bit information about 'Monsanto's govenor in Iraq' when by the so-called Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in 2003 the so-called 100 Orders were imposed on the Iraqi people.
You'll stumble upon names of quite a few criminals who together would easily equal 69,000 years prison if before the law everybody were equal.

The peace of the night.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cash as cash can ...

European agriculture ministers approved the sale of milk and meat from the direct offspring of cloned animals on Monday. Germany had long opposed the move, but finally changed its position.

Full article here.

Well, and in case you do not already know where once again corks will be popping - just check amongst the labels for this post.

A voice from (?) Iran

Although I'd not like the Iranian people to get rid of their brutal, cynic, hypocritical and intolerant regime only to end under the knout of another group of fanatics*, I do offer this link.

h/t internation musings

*Mind you, the (courageous) altruists and idealists who'd help to overcome a suppressing regime would mostly not be those who set the rules for the future, as - again: mostly ... the revolution will eat its children.

PS: The questionmark in the title is there just to mark that I cannot veryfy the 'from'.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Caught in the very act!

Copulating Chrysolina coerolans

The headline could also have been "Scandal in Seanhenge!"
Mind you, not that I'd begrudge anybody having a bit fun. Neither I do find scandalous they do it - so to speak - on (what's supposed to become) our peppermint tea. The scandal is: They eat what we want to drink.

If this does not immediately stop ... correction: As this will (naturally) not stop, after the shortest night of the year I shall interrupt this very coitus.

PS: Be sure I will feel most uncomfortable by the thought someone could do the same to me. ... Ah, this would be, indeed, scandalous. ...