Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cover Story 0001/2

Currently I am surrounded by (about) the books I concider to be my favourite thousand.
All in perfect order.
There are 
- two shelves with German authors
- one shelf with English authors
- one (a bit bigger than the English shelf) with Irish authors
- one with North American authors
- one with Italian, French, Spanish and Latin American authors
- one with Scandinavian, Russian and other European authors
- one with African and Asian authors
- one with anthologies
- one with philosophy, politics and other non-fiction
- one full of science and dictionaries

... and all in alphabetic order. :)

Did the third line read ' All in perfect order'?

They are not. Not anymore. And it's all Stan's fault.

Had he not removed a book from its tower and thus had not caused it stoppling unstoppably against its neighbour and causing a domino-effect he might not have felt prompted to carry out a modest plan that had just taken seed; certainly there would not have such a chaos been caused in my book shelves.

Do I feel upset? Yes!!
And no.
Actually, somehow I do feel what might have been a tiny mishap for an Irish language-connoisseur, could turn out to become a  giant leap for Omnium.

You know such situations? Reading a book, suddenly you (want to) say: 'Oh, Darling, listen.' ...

Now is not every reader (considered) Omnium's darling (per se), but ... yes: For quite a while I thought of introducing my readers to at least some books I do find recommendable.

My problem(s) so far: 
- (proverbial) laziness ... those who prefer to call it arrogance are forgiven
- lack of time ... to look up all those words to let my reviews sound not only excellent, but let my readers jump up and hurry to the next bookshop around the corner and order the book

To cut it short: Thanks to Stan I do see an opportunity to introduce you to at least some books I like, without the need to tell you why. For sure: (if you want) you'll find out yourself.

So here's what I decided to call Cover Story 0001.

The World According To Garp*:
A Time to Dance
Under the Milkwood.
* See my next problem? Due to my laziness (see above) when reading a book I'd prefer to read it in German which offers the opportunity to sometimes sentence the translator to at least two seconds of severest  swearboarding ... but ...

on the other side, this dilemma provides possibilities ...

Alas ...
In such a Night
Getting Through
The Dark

The peace of the night.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just a question

Ought lawyers
who contrary to better knowledge
defend extremely evil criminals
to be considered extremely evil criminals themselves?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Sharing resource(s) peacefully.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

After four weeks drought

Here the rain comes - hopefully without hailstones.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Happy Birthday to a "Titan"

Gustav Mahler

¡Que Viva España!

As I wrote here and there: If the German team plays as fine a football as against England and Argentina, they will have a chance.
I would not mind, though, if the Spanish team won; as long as they play fair and are better.

Well, and tonight the Spanish team was better!

What fascinated me: Seldom I saw such important a match with almost no fouls.

Thus, here we go:


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Die Gedanken sind frei

Die Gedanken sind frei

Die Gedanken sind frei,
Wer kann sie erraten;
Sie fliehen vorbei
Wie nächtliche Schatten.
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen,
Kein Jäger erschießen;
Es bleibet dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Ich denk was ich will,
Und was mich beglücket,
Doch alles in der Still,
Und wie es sich schicket.
Mein Wunsch und Begehren
Kann niemand verwehren,
Es bleibet dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Und sperrt man mich ein
Im finsteren Kerker,
Das alles sind rein
Vergebliche Werke;
Denn meine Gedanken
Zerreissen die Schranken
Und Mauern entzwei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Drum will ich auf immer
Den Sorgen entsagen
Und will mich auf nimmer
Mit Drillen mehr plagen.
Man kann ja im Herzen
Stets lachen und scherzen
Und denken dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

The thoughts are free!
The thoughts are free!
Who can guess them?
They fly along like nightly shadows
No man can know them
No hunter can shoot them
It remains as it is:
The thoughts are free! 

I think about what I want 
and what makes me happy
But everything in the still,
and as it's appropriate.
My wish and desire
Nobody can refuse,
It stays this way:
The thoughts are free!

And if they lock me
In a dark dungeon
All these are simply
(most) futile works
Cause my thoughts
do tear apart
The bars and walls:
Thoughts are free!

That's why I shall forever
renounce all worries
And shall never tease myself
with drilling anymore
Because one can in one's heart
always keep laughing and joking
While thinking: The thoughts are free.