Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Flann fooled you all

I'll not tell which pseudonym he does currently prefer, but I may again say those few people still taking for granted Flann O'Brien died April 1st 1966, can look back on a remarkable long career as April fools.

Fact is, furthermore, that only last midnight Flanny, Tetrapilotomos and I as well as a certain chap who asked to remain incognito met in, at and around Seanhenge, having some pints of plain and, of course, at one stage of our vivid conversation Flann would raise his voice and not only enjoy our ears, hearts and grey cells but animate the rami zygomatici and rami buccales of nervus facialis to massively innervate our musculi risorii by declaiming following legendary dialogue:
The Plain People of Ireland: Isn't the German very like the Irish? Very guttural and so on?

Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: People say that the German language and the Irish language is very guttural tongues.
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: The sounds is all guttural do you understand.
Myself. Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: Very guttural languages the pair of them the Gaelic and the German.
* * *

And now - although it is most unlikely they exist - to all those who happen to not being in possession of the master's complete œvre: Saddle your ponies, folks, and hurry up. The friendly, most well-educated and -sorted bookseller just round the corner will be happy to fill the gaps of your education and in your bookshelf.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

One year later

The longer I lived in Spain,
the less photos I took.
I felt at home.
One year later
I am glad I took at least these
on "my" terrace.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Laughing Lhursday* – Deadly serious

How serious is it, really ... ?
Deadly serious

* [For first time visitors]:

Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Last March...
the view ...
on the way to "my" pool.
This March my view ...
... in Seanhenge.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Today seven years ago

At 11:44 a.m. seven years ago he posted A young dancer. Hours later Shaun Downey alias Jams O'Donnell died, seven days before his 50th birthday.
I miss him.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Hölderlin Looking Outward

Looking outward
The open day is bright with pictures for everyone,

when green fields appear on the distant plain,
before the light of evening yields to twilight,
and reflections of light alleviate the noise of the day.
The inner being of the world often appears clouded
and hidden, and people's minds are full of doubts
and irritation, but splendid nature cheers up their days,
and doubt's dark questions stay distant.

Friedrich Hölderlin (20 March 1770 – 17 June 1843)


Der offne Tag ist Menschen hell mit Bildern,
Wenn sich das Grün aus ebner Ferne zeiget,
Noch eh des Abends Licht zur Dämmerung sich neiget,
Und Schimmer sanft den Klang des Tages mildern.
Oft scheint die Innerheit der Welt umwölkt, verschlossen,
Des Menschen Sinn von Zweifeln voll, verdrossen,
Die prächtige Natur erheitert seine Tage
Und ferne steht des Zweifels dunkle Frage.

24. März 1671
Mit Untertänigkeit

Friday is Skyday

Cuando sale la luna
se pierden las campanas
y aparecen las sendas
From Federico García Lorca's Canciones de luna

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Sometimes, when too lazy to cook
it's nice to let someone else do the job.