Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Beers & Books XII

When published in 1978,
according to the Donegal Democrat
the book was "a shocking libel
on the people of Donegal".

Patrick McGinley *1937

Wednesday, October 07, 2020


For a moment
came to my mind.


Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Pride of Creation

Around the world, hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children with mental health conditions have been shackled, chained or locked in confined spaces, at least once in their lives.

Many are held in overcrowded, filthy rooms, sheds, cages, or animal shelters and are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in the same tiny area.
 Break the Chains!

Monday, October 05, 2020

Beers & Books XII – Václav Havel

“Man is not
an omnipotent master of the universe,
allowed to do with impunity
whatever he thinks,
or whatever suits him at the moment.
The world we live in is made
of an immensely complex and mysterious tissue
about which we know very little
and which we must treat with utmost humility.”

Václav Havel (5 October 1936 – 18 December 2011)

Beers & Books XI

Although it is most unlikely they do exist,
to all those who happen to not being
in possession of the master's complete œvre:
Saddle your ponies, folks, and hurry up.
The friendly, most well-educated
and -sorted bookseller just round the corner
will be happy to fill the gaps of your education
and in your bookshelf.

Flann O'Brien (5 October 1911 – 1 April 1966)

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Friday, October 02, 2020