Wednesday, November 03, 2021

In the Fog*

Strange, to wander in the fog!
Alone each bush and stone,
No tree does see the other,
Each is alone.


Strange, to wander in the fog!
Life is loneliness.
No man knows the other,
Each is alone.

 Hermann Hesse, November 1905

* For a change, but the first and fourth stanza, translated by me.

Tuesday, November 02, 2021


On top of the mighty fir
Standing sentinel
over Seanhenge

Monday, November 01, 2021

Beers & Books CXLVI – Stephen Crane

A serious prophet
upon predicting a flood
should be the first man to climb a tree.
This would demonstrate that he was indeed a seer.

Stephen Crane
(November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900)

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Erasme de Rotterdam


"Nowadays the rage for possession has got to such a pitch that there is nothing in the realm of nature, whether sacred or profane, out of which profit cannot be squeezed."

Erasmus of Rotterdam
(28 October 1469 – 12 July 1536) 

Jordi Savall * 1 August 1941

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Beers & Books CXLV – Dylan Thomas

"Join the army and see the next world."

Dylan Thomas (27 October 1914 – 9 November 1953)

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday is Skyday



Reading tears in my eyes

 "If I go into the forest and meet a man with a thin jumper who has been walking around there for three days and screams out of fear when he sees me and I say he is safe with me and then he hugs me and cries for 20 minutes, I have never experienced anything like that."