Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Beers & Books CLXXIV – Peig Sayers

“If curses came from the heart,
it would be a sin.
But if it is from the lips they come,
and we use them only
to give force to our speech,
they are a great relief to the heart.”

Peig Sayers (1873 – 8 December 1958)

Beers & Books CLXXIII – Goffredo Parise

Non sopporto più le persone
che mi annoiano anche pochissimo,
che mi fanno perdere
anche un solo secondo di vita.
I can no longer stand people
who bore me even a little,
who make me lose even a second of my life.

Goffredo Parise (* 8. Dezember 1929 – 31. August 1986)

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Beers & Books CLXX – Stefan Zweig

"All the pale horses of the apocalypse
have stormed through my life,
revolution, starvation,
devaluation of currency
and terror, epidemics, emigration;
I have seen the great ideologies
of the masses grow and spread out
before my eyes.
Fascism in Italy,
National Socialism in Germany,
Bolshevism in Russia,
and, above all,
that archpestilence, nationalism,
which poisoned our flourishing European culture."

Stefan Zweig
(28 November 1881 – 23 February 1942)

Monday, November 29, 2021

Rare visitor

A buzzard taking a rest ...

... this morning in Seanhenge.