Monday, September 11, 2023

Bowing to courageous journalists

Freedom of the press is not only endangered in war zones or dictatorships.

Today, the 1st Hamburg Press Freedom Week began; with interesting guests talking about interesting topics.

Coincidence it's September 11?

My thoughts go back ... no, not 22 years. 50 years.

September 11, 1973: Chilean coup d'état

Never shall I forget this day and the atrocities that followed. 

And I shan't forget José Carrasco

Chile, my tortured country

In the morning hours of 8 September 1986, shortly after a regrettably unsuccessful assassination attempt on General Pinochet, José Carrasco, editor of the magazine Análisis, was kidnapped from his flat and shot by a death squad at a cemetery wall.
The cemetery wall became a site of resistance. Residents of the adjacent poor quarter painted the wall white and decorated it with flowers.
At first, policemen came every night, painted the wall black, tore out the flowers, even sawed off an iron cross the poor of Caonchali had put up.
There, people who barely had enough money to eat, let alone buy newspapers, demanded freedom of speech and honoured the courage of the journalist and his colleagues.
Take my words as a tribute to all those who had, have and will have the courage to speak out against injustice, arbitrariness and totalitarianism of any kind.
I am not sure I would have been or would be so courageous.
The peace of the night.

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Friday, September 08, 2023

Friday is Skyday

Late August
these were messengers of much rain.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Insects Bar

Especially during the dry period
in early summer, uncounted insects
appreciated this safe place
to quench their thirst or
simply enjoy a refreshing bath.


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Brave new peace of mind

Not even daisies stand a chance here.
An advertisement reads:
Lawn Robot gives you freedom
and peace-of-mind,
with smart home technology.
Well, if our neighbours
find peace-of-mind in such a sight ...

I do prefer daisies.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The invisible beneath the visible

Borage, dahlias and
marigold, marigold, marigold.
Who would guess
that a year's worth of potatoes grow here,
along with various types
of onions, tomatoes, peppers,
plus kohlrabi, carrots, etc.?

Monday, September 04, 2023


Recently, rain allowed them lots of leisure.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Special relationship

And then there is this lady.
She would not fly away when I come,
but simply wait ...

... until I have refilled the feeder again.

Bon appétit!


Saturday, September 02, 2023

Young sparrows at Seanhenge

Two young sparrows:
What's that?
Three young sparrows:
Perhaps digestable?

Six young sparrows:
In the meantime
some adults help themselves
in the nearby apple tree ...

... and the other restaurant,
whilst this tit enjoys 
not being disturbed.

Friday, September 01, 2023

Sunny September

At least not much rain promised
for this weekend.
We shall see.


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Beers & Books CCCXXXII – George Bernard Shaw

Now that we have learned
to fly the air like birds,
swim under water like fish,
we lack one thing -
to learn to live on earth as human beings.

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 –2 November 1950)