Friday, October 12, 2007

Just so

In the last hour of the day that 515 years ago - according to Lichtenberg - "the first American who discovered Columbus made a horrible discovery", and in the last hour I am as old as the year within I was born, I do . . .

. . . not say that this one is going to become my last post.

Probably it would be a wise decision, though.

The Peace of the Night.


  1. Happy Birthday Sean!
    A wiser decision should be not to leave us without your posts..
    Thanks for being here, thanks for being in the same planet, thanks for every post you give time, thanks for being a Sean Jeating!
    Your readers love to read you, no need to think about a stop.
    wishing you, The Peace of the Life

  2. Thank you very much, woman of the south. :)

    Your words are kind, and they do make me feel good.

    Still, I am not sure it is/were wise to go on blogging.

    Maybe, though, my sportmanship awakes.

    In case it does, one day you will understand why I wrote these lines.

    But don't worry, right now my eyes are sparkling, and I am smiling.

  3. Happy birthday to you, Sean and don't even think about not posting! Sometimes good things come late.

  4. Thanks a lot, James.
    Actually, already when pushing the button to post the lines above, my alter ego murmured: Sic tacuisses ...

    But that's part of Omnium. :)
