A while after I had given birth to Omnium ...
[pause to award not only those scientists amongst my esteemed readers whose attempts to find the world formula, i.e. 'The Theory of Everything', up til now all were in vain time to measure the paramount importance of this subordinate clause*]
... and started to visit not only online newspapers but other bloggers as well, soon I'd stumble upon a 'phenomenon' - awards: Here the 382nd best conservative political blogger of his country, there the 94th best left wing blogger of her country; the 169th funniest of all etc. etc. , ... cont. page 1066, where you'd find: The Best Cardiff Bay Gossip Blog.
[pause to award readers time to savour this]
And - as if this were not enough - people would design more or less felicitous awards and dedicate them to five, seven or hundred of their best / sweetest / schmoozest /cutest /etc.etc. fellow bloggers who'd in turn (have to) choose seven or hundred of their ...
Oh dear I thought, like in kindergarten - an award for everyone, so that noone's unhappy. And since, whenever reading the word 'award' in a title, I'd 'turn tail and run'.
Not to get misunderstood: I am not mocking about the quality of any blog(ger), I am mocking about the 'awarditis'. By the way, by typing 'award', google awarded me 343 million hits.
Having written all this, need I say I am glad that nobody ever awarded me an award, or, at least, I never became aware of having been awarded an award, as then I'd be confronted with the next conundrum: How to ward off the award without being (thought) to be arrogant and/or impolite?
And now - with thanks to the Monty Python - for something completely different.
As Fritz Weigle alias F.W. Bernstein once rhymed (it was Bernstein, indeed, not Gernhardt! :) At least Gernhardt told me so.)
Die größten Kritiker der Elche
waren früher selber welche.
The greatest critics of the elks
in former times were elks themselves
Varying this, it reads:
Die größten Kritiker der Elche
werden dereinst selber welche.
The greatest critics of the elks
once will become elks themselves.
In other words:
Herewith the 'enigmatic Sean' - smilingly and with great joy - does accept an award by nobody important. :)

Thanks, dear jmb. I take it as a lovely compliment.
Well,and now it's my turn. As with Cherrypie, Crushed, James, Jams and Mutley already five of 'my' Seldom Borings are 'sharing this burden' with me, I am going to spread the award around the planet. :)
When clicking their names, and reading you will know why I'd call following bloggers brilliant.
Ardent at Ardent Observations,
Colin at Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe
Hans and his team at Internation Musing
Superhero, my Turkish Seanachie at me and others,
and Erkan at Erkan's field diary.
Champagne!! :)
* which, again, will give experienced readers time to wait for the corners of their mouths returning from an expedition to the ear-lobes.