Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Farewell serenade

At 15°C and sunshine, at midday today
the first cranes circled over Seanhenge
on their way south and delighted me with their singing.

A wonderful concert.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Beers & Books (402) – Three more books fitting the beer

So that I don't get bored, my library has been updated on the occasion of my attempt to orbit the sun one more time, starting today.  

Two novels
an anthology with 28 stories

And as an encore:
three books that I had only wished for Christmas ;-)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Today 532 years ago

  The American who was the first to discover Columbus made a nasty discovery.

Der Amerikaner, der den Kolumbus zuerst entdeckte,
machte eine böse Entdeckung. [G 183]

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday is Skyday

October 4th, 2024, not 1582. ;-)   

4. Oktober 1582

Ah, 4th October 2024! Exactly 442 years after in 1582 the Gregorian calendar of Pope Gregory XIII was introduced in Catholic countries, which is why the 4th was immediately followed by the 15th of October.
No 5th, no 14th of October.
13th of October? So when was I born?
Maybe I wasn't born at all?
Very interesting. ;-)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Laughing Lhursday*

Congress on the subject of ‘Time Management’ in Vienna. A German and a Japanese on their way to the underground. The German says: "If we hurry, we'll catch the next train." Both start running.
On the train, they both sink into their seats, panting. The German wipes the sweat from his forehead and gasps: "Ten minutes saved!"
Asks the Japanese: "And what are we now going to do with the ten minutes?"

* [For first time visitors]:

Typo in the title?
Nah. It's just that I would not
let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.