Thursday, September 26, 2024

Laughing Lhursday*

Congress on the subject of ‘Time Management’ in Vienna. A German and a Japanese on their way to the underground. The German says: "If we hurry, we'll catch the next train." Both start running.
On the train, they both sink into their seats, panting. The German wipes the sweat from his forehead and gasps: "Ten minutes saved!"
Asks the Japanese: "And what are we now going to do with the ten minutes?"

* [For first time visitors]:

Typo in the title?
Nah. It's just that I would not
let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.




  1. Doncs crec que agafar aire suficient per seguir vius i eixugar-se la suor per estar presentables allà on van. :-)))

    Bona tarda, Sean.

    1. Then the sprint would actually have been worth it- ;-)
      La pau de la nit, Paula.

  2. Descansar de la correguda que han fet… 😂🤣😂🤣

  3. The Japanese person has a point. I wonder whether gender has something to do with that...

    1. At best in so far as women would hardly come up with such ideas. ;-)
