Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Relats conjunts – Goethe, Shakespeare, Barbolaire

A photograph by Miquel Àngel Vich alias Barbolaire

– Smoke hidden ghoulish faces, eyes, grimaces, torso of a female figure. Positive became negative. Smoke without sound.

– Words are mere sound and smoke, dimming the heavenly light.

– Says who?

– Goethe, Faust I.

– Lousy translation. Faust says, verse 3457: Name ist Schall und Rauch. Name is sound and smoke. Not words. May I ask who created this photographic artwork?

Didn't you just say names are sound and smoke?

Thanks a lot. But that was Goethe.

Nitpicker. Let's turn the whole thing on its head for fun. What do you see now?

– The female figure now on the left side of the picture. ... Actually, the whole picture looks even more feminine. And the little astronaut in his bubble capsule looks much more determined and optimistic.

– See? There are more things in heaven and earth, Sean, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

– Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5.

– Yes, yes. Smart arse. But now: What is the name of the poetic photo artist?

– The name is at the top under the photo.


  1. Moltíssimes gràcies per participar a la meva proposta dels Relats d'estiu.

    És un taxt d'un alt nivell cultural i molt imaginatiu, també. Totes les coses es poden mirar de més d'un punt de vista, però no sempre hi pensem. La fotografia girada m'ha deixat molt sorpresa. Molt bona idea.

    Un aplaudiment, Sean!

    1. Gràcies, Carme. Glad I could surprise you. ;-)

  2. Figuras caprichosas forma el humo y que acrecienta la imaginación.

  3. Waw !! Que ben trobat el diàleg i las composicions de la imatge, del dret i del inrevés.... només hi faltava de convidat en Freud i ja hi som tots ! hehehe
    Felicitats i bona setmana :)

    1. Oh dear, Artur! Omnium on Freud's couch? Better not. ;-)

  4. Una idea brillant això de donar la volta a la foto... potser el teu personatge ja havia vist la figura femenina abans de fer-la girar? ;-)
    Molt ben pensat i escrit el teu relat, amb permís de Goethe i de Shakespeare.
    Chapeau, monsieur!!

  5. Imagination creates whatever you wish to see.

    1. Well, sometimes it creates what by no means I wish to see.
