Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Metamorphosis Kafkaesque a

This morning, as I was waking up
from sweet dreams,
I discovered that in my bed
I had been changed into a tiny insect
and now was sitting on my glasses
reading Kafka's Verwandlung:

One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up
from anxious dreams, he discovered
that in his bed he had been changed
into a monstrous verminous bug.
He lay on his armour-hard back and saw,
as he lifted his head up a little,
his brown, arched abdomen divided up
into rigid bow-like sections.
From this height the blanket, just about ready
to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place.
His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison
to the rest of his circumference,
flickered helplessly before his eyes.
“What’s happened to me,” he thought.
It was no dream.


  1. Això ja comença a fer una mcia de por, Sean!
    Espero que estiguis bé!

    No sé pas si al mati has tingut molta pau, però espero que a la nit l'hagis recuperada.

    La pau de la nit,

    1. Yes, I exist again in my usual form.
      And if someone hadn't documented - albeit somewhat blurred - how I read Kafka as an insect sitting on my glasses: I wouldn't believe it. Thank you for worrying about me, dear Carme.
      The peace of the night.

  2. I find myself thinking that there are worse things to be than a bug.

  3. Replies
    1. Nightmare? I enjoyed it, Signora Pipistrello! Quite exciting and fascinating a perspective.

  4. Never tried to look trough glasses from the other side, until now and I discovered there is no difference in sharpness.
    Ha, Sean what a coincidence, last august I have been standing at the grave of Franz Kafka. No bugs but lots of "Bics" were lying on his tumbstone... :-)

    1. Ha, loveliest of all Lindas! Now I'd like to see a drawing of Kafka's grave.

  5. Molt misteriós i dius que et va passar després de despertar-te de dolços somnis?... Jo portaría les meves ulleres a fer-se una revisió. :-)))

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Yes, Paula. Unlike Gregor Samsa, I woke up from sweet dreams. That was probably my luck. ;-)
