Sunday, August 04, 2024

Coffee time with Antonio Muñoz Molina

The Polish Rider (El jenite polaco) I re-read a few days ago.
This afternoon "The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield
enriched my coffeetime. ... Well, not all, but two of them. ;-)


  1. Rereading is a gift isn't it? Revisiting old friends and continuing to marvel with and at them.

    1. Re-reading is a gift, indeed, Sue. I remember once reading Sean O-Faolain's "Lovers of the Lake" I was not impressed. However, re-reading this very story after my "protestant pilgrimage" by "making" Lough Derg, it "suddenly" became one of the loveliest stories I had ever read.

  2. A perfect place (and weather) for reading and coffee.

    1. The more so as Mr and Mrs Redtail scolded us for several weeks as soon as we were seen on the balcony where they were raising their offspring.

    2. Our birds are a little more forgiving when we share their space (except for the magpie clan).

  3. A good book and a good cup enrich the day.

  4. Replies
    1. A youthful sin, Mark, a youthful sin. I simply couldn't resist.

  5. Això de rellegir, a mi em va per èpoques. Quan era jove rellegia molt. Desprès va passar molt temps que no rellegia mai i ara torno a rellegir. A vegades immediatament en acabar el llibre.

    Com dieu més amunt, als comentaris, tot un regal.

    1. There also were many years when I practically only read novels when on holiday. For many years, owing to a lack of leisure time, almost all I read were short stories. Preferably in anthologies, to get to know as many authors from as many countries as possible. I read a story almost every evening before going to bed to de-stress. That added up to a few thousand, I suppose. ;-)

  6. Un bon lloc per llegir i fins i tot per rellegir, la fresca d'una ombra, un cafè (tot i que sembla amb llet) i unes quantes galetes amb xocolata... Tu sí que vius bé! ;-)))
    He vist que tens una errada a la traducció. En castellà seria "El jinete polaco" i en català "El genet polonès".

    1. I quoted from my German-language edition, Paula: "The original Spanish edition was published in 1991 under the title "El jinete polaco" by Editorial Planeta, S.A. Barcelona".
      When I look around the planet, I really can't complain. Unlike espresso with a little shot of Amaretto, I drink coffee with a little shot of milk.

  7. Books and a beverage, a great combination.
