Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For each beginning bears a special magic*

I did not know what exactly Chris was thinking of when he told me of his idea to let some of my photos accompany (great) poets reading their own poems. However: I got curious - like I always am when visiting my philosopher's blog.

Well, and so it comes that God-free Morals and Omnium together are starting what - who knows? - might become a project.
Will it be interesting for our readers, friends and those who might stumble upon our blogs?
Hopefully. And if not? Well, in this case we may comfort ourselves with what Arnold Schoenberg once stated:
If it is art it is not for all
and if it is for all
it is no art.

So take your choice. And let us know. :)
Here's for a beginning ...

* :) with thanks to Hermann Hesse for writing one of my favourite poems.


  1. Wonderful! Can't wait to see what you will both do... :)

  2. Superb presentation (photos, poem, voice) with a haunting quality. "L'art pour l'art".

    Happy travelling, magical beginners!

  3. Ah wonderful. As for your project I wonder if it will be like the Magic Theatre... being a mad man I'll be okay of course!

  4. Thanks to you all. Glad you enjoyed 'No. 1'. Like you I am curious, too, about what will happen next. :)
