Talk in Sicily |
Elio Vittorini (23 Juli 1908 - 12 Februar 1966)
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Richard Morgiève * 9 July 1950
The Fat Woodworker |
Antonio Manetti (6 July 1423 – 26 May 1497)
Philippo Brunelleschi (1377 – 15 April 1446
"Simplicity is the essence of the great, the true, the beautiful in art." |
George Sand (1 July 1804 – 8 June 1876)
Assija Djebar (30 June 1936 – 6 February 2015)
Ernesto Sabato (* 24 Juni 1911 - 30 April 2011)
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Markus Zusak *23 June 1975