Saturday, August 23, 2008

Quis leget haec? :)

March 23rd, 2010:
better late than never, hm?

Dear visitors, as almost daily several visitors from all continents stumble upon Omnium while (obviously) searching for the meaning of Quis leget haec?, exactly 19 months after the original post, here an UPDATE: and thus the answer you are looking for:

Quis leget haec? in English means: Who will read this?

Hope I could be of help. Perhaps you let me know?
Anyway, all the best to you.

Lingua Latina mortua est! Omnibusne locis? Minime! Nonullis orbis terrarum locis lingua Latina adhuc vivit et floret. Ante diem decimum Calendas Septembres (nostra lingua 23. August) statio televisifica, quae 3sat appelatur, etiam relationem telefisificam nominis "Kulturzeit extra" totam Latine versam per aetherias undas transmittet - sic!

I can imagine that at least Mr. Deogowulf and Laudator temporis acti might find interesting to watch