Monday, May 01, 2017

Life lived quietly

"The best of life is life lived quietly,
where nothing happens
but our calm journey through the day,
where change is imperceptible
and the precious life is everything."
John Mc Gahern (12 November 1934 – 30 March 2006)


  1. Jonathen Demme, who passed away recently, filmed the Talking Heads 'Stop Making Sense' tour in 1984 - which we were delighted to experience for ourselves when they opened in Providence, RI (their home town). David Byrne designed the concert in such a way that it began with him alone on a bare stage with a boom box for accompaniment on their first ever hit 'Psycho Killer'. The second song had Tina Weymouth (base) join him for 'Heaven'. The stage crew kept adding components for each musician and finally, the backdrop.

    This may very well not interest you at all but the poem reminded me of Byrne's line 'Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens'.

    1. The beginning of your last sentence gave me a big smile.
      And as nothing ever happens in heaven, Byrne is fidgeting on the stage? Now, if that's not life lived quietly. :)
