Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday Night Music

Maria Callas (December 2, 1923 – September 16, 1977)


  1. Hi Sean,
    Certainly the best of Callas who’s interpretive and emotionally charged renditions remain unequalled. There are some with maybe a richer tone but none who ushered in to the operatic world such raw emotion.
    Hence it’s always a pleasure to listen to such a great artist with recordings taken I presume during her glory days. I have read the rather sad autobiography.
    Thanks for posting - enjoyed listening to them all !
    Best wishes

    1. Ah, a pleasure to learn your ears enjoyed what they heard, Lindsay.
      When becoming aware that last Saturday was the 40th anniversary of her death I felt remembered of that I am 40 years older than in 1977.
      It is nice to think of dead artists smiling when witnessing they are still admired.
