Saturday, May 07, 2022

Beers & Books CCXVII – Thomas Piketty

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Thomas Piketty * 7 May 1971


  1. Thomas Piketty is an author I knew nothing about. Thank you. And wealth distribution is certainly uneven here - and the gap is widening. Significantly.

    1. It was interesting to compare his thoughts with those of Hardt & Negri ("Empire").

  2. Reminds me that I have attempted to read Mr Marx's actual Das Kapital about the same number of times as I have attempted to read Joyce's Ulysses, with the same lack of success each time - maybe three pages of each at most before the "why am I bothering to even try?" thought won. A failure of mine or a failure of the authors? Oh, and add what I must call Beckett's 'Waiting for God Knows What' to the list of my failures. Alice in Wonderland was good though.

    1. That's life. No one knows whether a little more perseverance would have enabled him to broaden his horizons.
