Friday, July 01, 2022

Beers & Books CCXXIX – The Letters of John McGahern

I think technique can be taught but I think
the only way to learn to write is to read,
and I see writing and reading as completely related.
One almost couldn't exist without the other.

John McGahern (12 November 1934 – 30 March 2006)


  1. We have a friend who considers himself a writer. He also prides himself on NOT being a reader. I don't think he is a writer's bootlace.
    Letters and diaries are among the types of written works I often gravitate to.

    1. I am of two minds.
      On the one hand, I despise when descendants or (alleged) friends try to make money with the correspondence of a deceased person and meet criticism with the terse objection: If he had not wanted to, he could have destroyed the letters during his lifetime.
      On the other hand, a) such reading can be enlightening, and b) I too am a bit voyeuristic at times, especially since I have a special relationship with John McGahern and his work.

  2. Sweet logic - totally grasp that quote.
