Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Beers & Books CCCXXIV – Book of the South

Libro del Sur

André Heller *22 March 1947


  1. The book was one of about 60 I took with me when I lived in Spain for a few months, signora Pipistrello. More interesting reading than expected. Well, even if one can be controversial, Heller is an interesting contemporary. May he not go to hell ;-)

    1. Yes, a man of many talents, and we do not wish him misfortune in the, ahem, afterlife. Your book collection is astonishing but in this instance, I thought you might have been aiming for a beer to give a nod to his name :)

    2. An Austrian beer, "Hell, that fits" I thought. ;-)

  2. Un home polifacètic i interessant.
    No sé com escriptor, però he escoltat la seva música i no em desagrada.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Una persona con un currículum extraordinario. No es que sea un excesivo admirador suyo, pero sin duda habría sido emocionante entrevistarle alguna vez.
      Leí el "Libro del Sur" en el sur de España. Quizá por eso me gustó tanto ;-)
      A person with an extraordinary curriculum vitae. Not that I am an excessive admirer of his, but it would certainly have been exciting to interview him once.
      I read the "Book of the South" in the south of Spain. Maybe that's why I liked it so much ;-)
      Aferradetes, Paula.
