Thursday, June 13, 2024

Roof drama in Seanhenge.


After her tinopeners new roof  had been finished today,
Poesy obviously wanted to inspect
the whole thing from across the road
and suddenly found herself sitting on our roof.

Oh horror! And now how to get down again?

So daughter climbed into the attic, opened the hatch,
hung out a blanket ...

... and tongue snapping lured the cat to safety .
Phew! What excitement ;-)


  1. Another life gone! Well done daughter!

    1. Yes, there are probably only six left. Which didn't stop her from visiting us over the shed roof on the balcony while we were drinking coffee this afternoon. ;-)

  2. Jo crec que Poesy hagués trobat com baixar, estava contemplant els paisatges des d'un punt que no havia vist mai... Els humans patim massa pels animals que saben molt bé què fer... ;-)
    Tota una aventura fotogràfica.
    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. I also think she would have found a way, but I understand the rescue operation. Our children have already lost two really extraordinary cats. What's more, on her first attempt to climb into the hatch, Poesy slipped and was fortunately saved from falling down by the gutter. Only then came the blanket into play.

  3. Cats who think they are so clever and superior to other life forms often get themselves into predicaments!

    A puzzle for them to solve ;-)

    I am glad Poesy had a little help with her puzzle :-)

    1. And did she learn? The following day she meowed on our balcony again. ;-)

  4. Such excitement! Adventurous cats often need a rescuer.

    1. 'Adventurous' is a fitting attribute for this very cat. ;-)
