Sunday, March 22, 2020

Today seven years ago

At 11:44 a.m. seven years ago he posted A young dancer. Hours later Shaun Downey alias Jams O'Donnell died, seven days before his 50th birthday.
I miss him.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Hölderlin Looking Outward

Looking outward
The open day is bright with pictures for everyone,

when green fields appear on the distant plain,
before the light of evening yields to twilight,
and reflections of light alleviate the noise of the day.
The inner being of the world often appears clouded
and hidden, and people's minds are full of doubts
and irritation, but splendid nature cheers up their days,
and doubt's dark questions stay distant.

Friedrich Hölderlin (20 March 1770 – 17 June 1843)


Der offne Tag ist Menschen hell mit Bildern,
Wenn sich das Grün aus ebner Ferne zeiget,
Noch eh des Abends Licht zur Dämmerung sich neiget,
Und Schimmer sanft den Klang des Tages mildern.
Oft scheint die Innerheit der Welt umwölkt, verschlossen,
Des Menschen Sinn von Zweifeln voll, verdrossen,
Die prächtige Natur erheitert seine Tage
Und ferne steht des Zweifels dunkle Frage.

24. März 1671
Mit Untertänigkeit

Friday is Skyday

Cuando sale la luna
se pierden las campanas
y aparecen las sendas
From Federico García Lorca's Canciones de luna

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Sometimes, when too lazy to cook
it's nice to let someone else do the job.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Three Irish Writers

Anthony Cronin (23 December 1927 – 27 December 2016)

Brendan Behan (9 February 1923 – 20 March 1964)

Brian O'Nolan aka Flann O-Brien etc. etc. (5 October 1911 – 1 April 1966)

Patrick Kavanagh (21 Oktober 1904 –30 November 1967)

In the Heat of March

Hot St. Patrick's Day
13:59 in the sun
14:44 in the shade

Monday, March 16, 2020

Through the Window*

Seventeen Essays about Literature
and one short story
* Always interesting to see how titles vary from country to country. Reading the German "Am Fenster" one could think the book's English title were "At the Window".
Which lets me come to think of John McGahern's "Pornographer" of which the first German edition was "Der Pornograph", but got changed in the second into "Der Liebhaber" (The Lover).
Why? The first edition did not sell. ...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Nice view.

Palms, blue sky, blue sea

Perfect morning

Breakfast & beautiful Book
A perfect morning

Mercè Rodoreda (10 October 1908 – 13 April 1983)

Garden by the Sea

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Two odd ones out*


* Not its title, but what I thought whilst looking at this work.