Saturday, April 23, 2022

Rather be it Shakespeare

On Shakespeare's 458th birthday and
the 406th anniversary of either his death
and the death of Cervantes
just to wish a very special literary evening.

It's also World Book Day?

Well, yes. But isn't every day a day of the book?

Comparing the results of my recent attempts to write some sonnets myself with what I am rereading these days, I came to the conclusion, in order not to put anyone off the realm of poetry, to post rather one from the Master of Avondale.

Alack what poverty my muse brings forth,
That having such a scope to show her pride,
The argument all bare is of more worth
Than when it hath my added praise beside.
O blame me not if I no more can write!
Look in your glass and there appears a face,
That over-goes my blunt invention quite,
Dulling my lines, and doing me disgrace.
Were it not sinful then striving to mend,
To mar the subject that before was well?
For to no other my verses tend,
Than of your graces and your gifts to tell.
       And more, much more than in my verse can sit,
       Your own glass shows you, when you look in it


  1. I have never attempted to write a sonnet. Blank verse is as far as I go, much as I enjoy reading well crafted poems. Thank you for introducing me to this one. Poverty and his muse were not compatible.

    1. There are many ways to express one's thoughts. I enjoy writing haikus, tankas, limericks etc. being aware, though, that I am rather a man of prose than of poetry.

  2. Every day is book day for me. :)

    1. Seven words I enjoyed to read, Bill. ;-)
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