Thursday, August 11, 2011

Laughing Lhursday

PS: Do I really need to repeat there is no typo in the title but that I'd just let a tiny T not spoil an avantgardistic alliteration?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No one knows

Butterfly's Dream

Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Between Zhuangzi and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things. (2, tr. Burton Watson 1968:49)
„Einst träumte Dschuang Dschou, dass er ein Schmetterling sei, ein flatternder Schmetterling, der sich wohl und glücklich fühlte und nichts wußte von Dschuang Dschou. Plötzlich wachte er auf: da war er wieder wirklich und wahrhaftig Dschuang Dschou. Nun weiß ich nicht, ob Dschuang Dschou geträumt hat, dass er ein Schmetterling sei, oder ob der Schmetterling geträumt hat, dass er Dschuang Dschou sei, obwohl doch zwischen Dschuang Dschou und dem Schmetterling sicher ein Unterschied ist. So ist es mit der Wandlung der Dinge."

"Schmetterlingstraum", published in Dschuang Dsï - Südliches Blütenland, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, p. 52

Zhuangzi / Zhuang Zhou

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Friday is Skyday

Peaceful rage

Boring? Wrong. Borage.
Still boring?
Ring ... ring ... ring ...
Still alive?

My! You are certainly

Monday, August 01, 2011

Hurra, I am rich!

Nenne dich nicht arm, weil deine Träume nicht in Erfüllung gegangen sind!
Wirklich arm ist nur, wer nie geträumt hat.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Don't call yourself poor, 'cause your dreams did not come true.
Really poor is only who never dreamed.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday is Skyday

Following photos have been taken last Sunday - within 17 minutes.

17 minutes within which the photographer felt excitement, joy, awe, breathlessness, fear, love, pain, thankfulness, desire, deep peace;
and convulsing with pain ... hope ...


Sunday, May 22, 2011

As someone asked*

* ... and (almost) always I do enjoy when someone would "look through" my innuendos.

Yes. I get the slightly strong feeling I am fad(o)ing away.

Nothing to worry. That's (part of) life. And thus: Part of Omnium.

Part of Omnium is also: I could be wrong.

Ah, isn't life / Omnium fascinating?

... Well, at least as long as one is able to look on the bright side of life.

May the living never envy the dead.

The peace of the night.