Monday, September 30, 2013

Monochrome Monday (46)

Both they do help us –
one to live and one to die.
There are some mistakes.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


To speak with Father Jack:
I am so ssooo sssooorry.

So sorry that I posted ten times within a few hours.

How wonderful that anyone can ignore.

Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls!

The peace of the night.

Swarm Intelligence

Does anyone detect intelligence?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday is Skyday

Starling in fog.

How boring!

A day's harvest.

It's never too late

After almost fourty years
this crazy bitch of cactus
decided to bloom.

So often I heard
why don't you throw it away.
What wonderful reward.

Damson and no Selilah

Lots of damsons* this year.
Here but a few I picked yesterday
to cook them four hours
and in between bake a cake

and finally get six glasses of damson butter.

* Before anyone asks: What are damsons?

Plums they are both. Actually the plum-family is quite big. For example, the mirabelle is also a member. :)
As for the difference:
The damson is the more juicy sister of the plum. :)
Plums are almost round and bigger; and their flesh tends to be reddish;
damsons are oval, and their flesh is yellow. 

Windowverse III

But a minute later . . .


When looking NORTHwards
these days I do often think
of Seamus Heaney.

Divided by Glass

Sleeper on the window
slowly waking up

taking off.

Bloody useless *

They delight my eyes:
amidst beans and tomatoes:
gracious Cosmeas.

You cannot eat them,
nor use them to kill others:
useless Cosmeas.

A Beauty

You might disagree.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monochrome Monday (45)

Even in the dark
there is beauty to be found.
A matter of love.