Sunday, May 03, 2020

Breakfast under palms

Under palms and Spanish sun
an English breakfast
three days later
four magic months
would end

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Friday, May 01, 2020

Friday is Skyday

iVivimos en celdas
de cristal,
en colmena de aire!
Nos besamos a través
de cristal.
iMaravillosa cárcel,
cuya puerta
es la luna!
- - -
We live in cells
of crystal
in a beehive of air!
We are kissing each other
through crystal.*
Wonderful prison,
the door of which
is the moon!
* cristal: glass, crystal, water (poetical)

Federico García Lorca (5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936)

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Laughing Lhursday*

Find the fault.

* [For first time visitors]:

Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dwarfs and others

Little flower with much power.
Watching these dwarf pansies
I am coming to think
of certain intellectual dwarfs
and their "followers"
gigantic shades
whilst the sun of wisdom
is sinking deepest.*

* With thanks to Karl Krauss

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday is Skyday

Well, a Thursday morning
in February 2019.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Laughing Lhursday*

You might think this is a bathroom.
It is not.
It is a mobile home.
What for you might look like a toilet seat
is the driver's seat,
and what for you might look like a red lid
actually is the detachable steering wheel.
Got it, so far?

These are Jasper and Jenny,
the owner's youngest children.
In the bottom left corner you see
the diaper changing table.
Almost familiar now?
Not to forget
the three dogs, the cat and the duck,
– their current names escaped me –
who accompany us to the Baltic Sea
recently several times a week,
thankfully guarding the potty
standing close to the cooking plate.
But that's a story for another day.
Happy World Book Day.

* [For first time visitors]:
Typo in the title?
It's just that I would not let a tiny T spoil an avantgardistic alliteration.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Light Night

Watch out ...
your solitude
was chosen by yourself
pain comes, pain goes, like nights, my friend
whine not!