Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Unforgotten tree

The tree is dead.
But it was alive back then.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Beers & Books XXXLXV – The Road to Brightcity

A road literarily bright to read ...

Máirtín ò Cadhain (1906 – 18 October 1970)

Who would have thought? What started on 9 September 2020, "inspired" by an innocent beer being called  – how insane! – "Lancaster Bomber", has become a series of 365 posts.

By the way: The brewery are still offering six different beers in a box, twice a year. No longer 'Lancaster Bomber', though. Interesting. ;-)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

El joc de pòquer

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
, 1894, Poker Game

Imagine folks: In 121 years, someone with too much money offers 658,000 dollars for a picture of our little poker round.
B: You don't say.
C: So there won't anyone be hungry in 2015?
A: Yes, but the person in question won't be interested in that.
D: 658,000 dollars for a picture of dogs playing poker?! I don't believe it!
A: That's as sure as Rostkam Gerstley & Co. will close up shop in 24 years.  
D: I bet a bottle of Old Saratoga Whisky against it.
A: Anyone else betting against it?
C: Me. Two bottles.
B: Me. Three bottles.
A: I want to see!

121 years later ...

Saturday, March 02, 2024

In memoriam Claude

Today three years ago, my dear friend Claude died.
I am still sad, miss her, and at the same time I am grateful that once in 2008 she stumbled upon Omnium and thus allowed me to meet an extraordinary woman.

For many years Claude used to live with Innuit as a nurse.
Today I share with you one of the photos she took and one of her poems.

Thank you for everything, Claude. De tout coeur.

I hung two sealskins on my wall....
Some people say
'Oh! the poor dear things!'
with pity in their hearts,
while chewing bloody steak
and cuddling in fur coats.
And I think of
magnificently himself: a Man,
hunter by destiny
spearing the seals,
with no guilt in his soul,
no pity in his heart,
but beaming pride
that his day-work was done:
the best for his kin---
and that's all he could do...
And I think of
Kakee, his wife,
cleaning, stretching, smoothing, sewing the skins
with a skill
as old as the Woman called Eve,
and bringing me the gift
with beaming pride:
the best for a friend---
and that's all she could give...
And I wonder why
we worry about who eats whom
when Life is a cycle?
We all prey, and we grow
feeding on each other.
A seal
a breathing tomato
an egg that could be born
a drink of pure water
a flower for a vase
some grass to walk upon
the warmth of the sun, of a smile, of a body
a poem for a soul
and stars to fill a dream.
I hung two sealskins on my wall...
A Man must face himself
and accept it!
Claude Prévost Gamble
 (June 1970)

Friday, March 01, 2024

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Harbingers of spring.
Unfortunately none of peace.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Relats conjunts de febrer: Madonna del Magníficat

Sandro Botticelli, 1481, Madonna del Magnificat

I make it short. ;-)

"For the sake of the book. Get the godlike out of my sight!"