Saturday, March 16, 2024

El joc de pòquer

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
, 1894, Poker Game

Imagine folks: In 121 years, someone with too much money offers 658,000 dollars for a picture of our little poker round.
B: You don't say.
C: So there won't anyone be hungry in 2015?
A: Yes, but the person in question won't be interested in that.
D: 658,000 dollars for a picture of dogs playing poker?! I don't believe it!
A: That's as sure as Rostkam Gerstley & Co. will close up shop in 24 years.  
D: I bet a bottle of Old Saratoga Whisky against it.
A: Anyone else betting against it?
C: Me. Two bottles.
B: Me. Three bottles.
A: I want to see!

121 years later ...


  1. Sembla una aposta segura, aquesta. ;-)

    Com també és una aposta segura afirmar que sempre hi haurà gent amb molts diners i la panxa plena als quals no interessa gens si moltes altres persones passen gana, per desgràcia.

    Bona reflexió i bon relat!

    1. A sure-fire thing, for sure: ;-)
      Yes, the self-proclaimed crown of creation is as far away from moral perfection as ever before.
      Thanks for your kind words, Mac.

  2. No m'agrada gens apostar i encara menys si el tema de l'aposta és tan seriós... però diria que no van gens errats, malauradament.

    Has estat matiner!. Molt bon relat. ;-)
    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. I do not bet, because I am a gambler. ;-)
      Which is perhaps why in this case words came easy to me.
      Thank you, Paula.

  3. I can only shake my head over the state of the world and wonder when the house of cards will fall.

  4. Las desigualtats van en augment , així que seria ben possible...
    Salut !.

  5. Desgràciadament sempre hi haurà persones que passin gana i altes persones que es gastaran molts diners en qualsevol cosa.

    Bon relat, Sean! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    1. There are people who don't have much and yet care about others, and there are those who don't give a damn about others.
      Thanks for your kindness, Carme.

  6. It took me a little while to understand. Happy to see somebody English around here.

    I bet a bottle of San Pellegrino, not so dangerous, I presume.


    1. The language is English, the body is German. ;-)
      Anyway, welcome to Omnium, Mylady.
      Since Nestlé has incorporated San Pellegrino, your bet is to consider even very dangerous. ;-)
