Saturday, March 30, 2024

Beers & Books (368) – Die Asche des Tages


Máirtín ò Cadhain (1906 – 18 October 1970)


  1. Pel títol només em suggereix, allò que queda del dia.
    Pel que fa a l'autor, l'únic que puc dir és que la llengua nativa s'ha d'afavorir, dins un estat, davant les altres.
    Bona Pasqua!.

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. I think it makes sense to have a language that everyone speaks and understands within a national organisation - and also worldwide.
      At the same time, all languages and dialects should not only be tolerated, but also promoted where desired.

    2. I qui ho decideix què sigui una llengua davant una altra la que es parli en tot el món...?
      Ho deia perquè aquí es fa tot el contrari per part de l'Estat Espanyol, menyspreant la llengua materna, fins i tot prohibint-la en l'ensenyança. Les llengües de no utilitzar-les es van perdent i amb elles les arrels de la nostra cultura.

    3. I only wrote it makes (would make) sense to have a language that everyone speaks. It will, of course, not happen in the near future.
      As far as Spain is concerned, I have also made my position clear: "all languages and dialects should not only be tolerated, but also promoted where desired."
      Aferradetes, Paula.

  2. Scottish Gaelic is enjoying a slow but steady resurgence in the Highlands, and is alive and well on the stronghold of the Western Isles.

    1. Good to read!
      I am very disappointed, though, my dear friend: You did not take notice of that "Beers & Books 366" has been reached, after all. ;-)
