Monday, March 18, 2024

Beers & Books XXXLXV – The Road to Brightcity

A road literarily bright to read ...

Máirtín ò Cadhain (1906 – 18 October 1970)

Who would have thought? What started on 9 September 2020, "inspired" by an innocent beer being called  – how insane! – "Lancaster Bomber", has become a series of 365 posts.

By the way: The brewery are still offering six different beers in a box, twice a year. No longer 'Lancaster Bomber', though. Interesting. ;-)


  1. Sembla un camí interessant, fins i tot pel ruc. ;-)
    Felicitacions per aquests 365 posts!!🥂

    Aferradetes, Sean.

    1. Thank you, Paula.
      Yes, who would have thought? I am surprised, anyway.
