Sunday, December 01, 2024


Peaceful morning.
Elsewhere, people are killed, murdered and oppressed.
How can I be happy in the face of this?
Really happy?


  1. It is hard isn't it? And yet sadness by itself doesn't help any of the hungry or the oppressed. Nor can it bring anyone back to life. I do what I can, and wish it was more. And find happiness when and where I can as well.

    1. You are right, Sue. Sometimes it's not possible for me to maintain calm serenity and serene calmness, though. Yesterday was one of those days.

    2. Hugs. We all have those days. Too many of them.

  2. No saps pas quantes vegades penso coses com aquesta: moltes!
    El món va malament, moltes persones moren i pateixen en llocs més o menys llunyans i també moltes persones van malament de salut o de problemes greus, molt més a prop de mi.
    Jo tinc sort i estic bé. Com és combina tot això?

    Abraçades, Sean.

    1. I think if everyone was friendly to the people around them, a lot would already have been achieved.
      But even that seems utopian.

  3. Molt complicat tot junt... no es pot renegar de lo que podem gaudir, perquè això tampoc ajuda a la gent que està més a prop... Voldríem solucionar-ho tot, però realment poc podem fer...

    Hugs, Sean.

    1. When I see all the joyless, dismissive faces that I encounter almost every day, I doubt that I am living in a golden age.

  4. Because we know we were put here to do what we can to stop such things. We work toward that as much as we can, and then enjoy what we have.
