Friday, June 01, 2012

Laughing gas needed?

Nah!  See?


  1. Smile lines or Cry lines? Hmmm... Yin-Yang, + and -, a bit of both I reckon. A face tells a story, and that one is quite complicated. Looking ahead, trying to smile, wondering whether just to cry...

  2. I just put on Facebook, for my grandchildren, "A day without laughter is a lost day." (Charlie Chaplin)

    And I don't mean sarcastic laughter. There are as many occasions to laugh, in life, as there are to cry. It's very sad when people neglect to cultivate a sense of humour.

    I hope it will not get pointed out at me how miserable life is for certain people. I cry for them as much as I cry for myself (even more in a way)...But I still try to find one reason a day to have a good laugh. Maybe that's why I'm still around, at 82.

    BTW, that one-eyed-photo amused me! Sorry if it meant tears and not laughter. Santé to you and Astotle (and every other commentators)

  3. Claude,
    as (almost) always, you are right. There are times to cry, and there are times to laugh.
    Parking your curzor on the photo at the bottom of your monitor you will see that this very photo is named 'Laughter_lines'.
    And yes: I have cried quite a few tears in my life (and still I do), but those wrinkles certainly are trails of laughter.

  4. "Astotle" Claude.

    Now I am laughing :)
