Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I was there

Trees and shadows are still real, Fernando.


  1. So, just click your heels together in Candyland, Ashley. I'd be delighted to show you the neck of this very wood. :)

  2. I would like to see what is at the end of the path...

  3. Ah! blogger is allowing me to comment tonight. I flatly refused to post any of my comments on your blog yesterday.

  4. Ah, CherryPie, I am seriously thinking of moving Omnium over to wordpress. Any tips?
    Perhaps via e-mail?

    As for your wish re the end of the path: Why not accompanying Ashley and me? :)

  5. If I can walk on that path with my walker, I'm following...

  6. Ah, Claude, I'll give you a piggy-back ride. :)

  7. But is real really real, or is it really realistic virtual reality? I see images of your pixels created in the back of my head. You saw images created in the back of your head. Your camera captured only light... slight light light. I wonder. Goodnight.

  8. This very comment in front of my eyes, dear Don caused noise coming out of my head that ordinary people would probably call a big laughter; they are, of course, having no clue of chemistry. Obviously. :)
