While on Valentine's Day allegedly there was a
rising of one (!) billion, for the past ten days the world (sic!) held its breath, and thus – amongst others – almost seven (!) billion human beings.
Amazing, of course, that so many survived not breathing for such a long time; well, apart from some civilians being so stupid to let themselves blow to pieces by a peaceful drone made in God owns peace-loving country and sent on its way by a peace-loving hero (!) sitting thousands of kilometres away; apart from some peace-loving Shiites blowing some Sunni to pieces and some peace loving Sunni blowing some Shiites to pieces (it is almost always a matter of perspective, isn't it?), and a few women that have been taught by four or six or ten masculine 'superiors' who's the pride of creation, before being set on fire or pierced by an iron pipe etc. etc. pp., and apart from those who did not happen to learn that the owner of this blog has been eaten by a panther. Obviously.
Canadian commenter Claude (Sean would have loved this tiny alliteration) from her experience as a nurse thought the bones are not human and thus not seanish.
Don QuiScottie, according to Sergeant Pluck, "obviously" tried to scatter several red herrings within one comment.
sync wondered what happened to the second shoe.
According to Sergeant Pluck, only Mijnheer Pieters gave helpful hints, and commenter Susan's criminalistic instinct ("The game's afoot!
Keep in mind conspiracy between panther and Quiscottie can't yet be ruled out.");
But I am digressing a tiny bit. Why would there have been no news for almost a fortnight?
Well, not to jeopardise or rather to pantherise the inquiery, Sergeant Pluck had imposed a gag order. However, today I am able to show you some results.
By following Mijnheer Pieters' hint and thus scrutinising all treetops in and around Seanhenge, Sergeant Pluck and his colleague McCruiskeen found
Sean's trousers |
Obviously our friend tried to climb this beech to escape the panthers's fangs, but ...
Three quarters of a mile from here, the Sergeants detected ...
... the second shoe. |
Was it possible, Sergeant Pluck and Sergeant McCruiskeen asked themselves, that the panther, anticipating Mijnheer Pieters' hint ("Panthers
always drag their booty to a tree or another high place where hyenas cannot come.") buried his booty in this bunker?
Inspecting closer ...
the sergeants' attention was caught by a white flag. |
Following their instinct approaching hole 7 of the very golf course ...
.... they detected ... |
Sean's worrystone. |
Asked Sergeant Pluck: "Who putted Sean? The panther or Don QuiScottie??
The case will be solved. Hopefully soon.
As missing Sean would perhaps have written:
The peace of the night.