Monday, February 21, 2022

Beers & Books CCI – Anaïs Nin

It takes courage to push yourself
to places you have never been before...
to test your limits... to break through barriers.

Anaïs Nin (February 21, 1903 – January 14, 1977)


  1. More than courage, it takes motivation. That's the problem, for me. I'll gladly take that beer though.

    1. Aye. Motivation plus discipline plus perseverance.
      At present, I am highly motivated and persistently disciplined in anticipation of the next offering of the above beer.

    2. And this evening I about to seek reflection and motivational guidance in a 660 ml bottle of Innis & Gunn Original. I never get beer block, even though I get writer's block, aka Too Comfortable and Just Plain Lazy syndrome (TCAJPL in medical parlance).

    3. Ah, thanks for that! After all, I know what I am suffering from: TCAJPL.

  2. To other matters of pushing, limits, courage, this Scot feels, unusually, a little bit of a Ranger tonight (6-4 to dump out mighty Borussia Dortmund). Is anything else of significance going on around the world?

    1. Mighty Dortmund. Ha ha. Good one, little bit of a Ranger.
      I'm no longer interested in mostly dumb tattooed millionaires in short panties chasing a ball.
      Don't know why, while thinking about an answer to your significant question, Louis Armstrong came to my mind: 'This is a wonderful world'.
